New York Times Flash Points: Searching for Modern Lessons in the Cuban Missile Crisis
National Archives Talk: 18 Months, Not 13 Days (with Profs James Blight + janet Lang)
"A fascinating new look at how close the world once came to nuclear war."
— George Stroumboulopoulos, CBC George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight
"The Armageddon Letters, a dramatic account of the interplay between three powerful leaders, all of whom failed to understand each other, provides a sometimes chilling, new look at the Cuban Missile Crisis."
— Paul Koring, The Globe and Mail
"Jim Blight has spent the past 25 years studying the nuances and intimate details of those 13 days, along with the years that led up to them."
"If knowing history is the best insurance against repeating the mistakes of the past, what’s to be done when fewer... young people are reading history books? Blight and Lang have followed these lost readers online..."
— Norman Boucher, Brown Alumni Magazine
"How well do we really know our own history? James Blight argues that the answer is not very well at all."
"This is a fascinating look into history that incorporates the three players' perspectives."
— Meryl Jaffe, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth, OnLine Division and Author, Raising a Reader! (2013), Using Content Area Graphic Texts for Learning (2012)
"To students [Blight] might come off as either very much not hip or, because of his enthusiasm and intense gaze, square jaw, and crew cut, ultra-hip or even post-hip."
— Peter Monaghan, The Chronicle of Higher Education
"Meticulously and artfully reinterpreted in a Canadian-based historical project that shows how humanity was 'just plain lucky.'"
—Randy Boswell, Postmedia News
"Il y a 50 ans, la crise de Cuba... Le nez de Cléopâtre s’il eût été plus court, toute la face de la terre aurait changé."
— Guy Hervier, maison blanche La nouvelle donne
"This ingenious project literally brings the Cuban Missile Crisis to life."
— Kingston Reif, Nukes of Hazard
"Blight and Lang step outside the box, since most traditional historians will not come close to such subjects. They did the same with Virtual JFK. They deserve praise for having the courage and honesty to do so."
— Jim DiEugenio,
"The crisis that historian James Blight calls the most dangerous moment in modern history is hazy to young Americans and widely misunderstood by their elders."
— Rick Hampson, USA Today